Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Computer Memory Measurements

Units of Computer Memory Measurements

1 Bit = Binary Digit

8 Bits = 1 Byte

1024 Bytes = 1 KB (Kilo Byte)

1024 KB = 1 MB (Mega Byte)

1024 MB = 1 GB (Giga Byte)

1024 GB = 1 TB (Terra Byte) 
P-Point Computorium
Memory Notation

1024 TB = 1 PB (Peta Byte)

1024 PB = 1 EB (Exa Byte)

1024 EB = 1 ZB (Zetta Byte)

1024 ZB = 1 YB (Yotta Byte)

1024 YB = 1 (Bronto Byte)

1024 Brontobyte = 1 (Geop Byte)

Geop Byte is The Highest Memory Measurement Unit

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